

Long time hiatus writer ✍️ || Death Note 🍫🧩, Black Butler and Hannibal connoisseur 🍴||

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Happy Easter everyone!

I give you a Bunny Mello and Bunny Near for Easter!


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Today was hot so I lazily drew Near eating a popsicle on the train 😌💕


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I originally drew this right before work and thought ‘This might be cute if I put in effort’. Mello looks like a gremlin here 🤣

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Young Mello has found himself a tiny Near~


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I can’t draw Matt for the life of me but I know he’d say this to Mello 🤣

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I know this is an old post but I drew (very badly) Mello as the first one because it’s a crime there is no offical big tiddy man in death note

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Mello would be the type of person to wait in someone’s dark house/apartment for them to come home.

Reposting because I only noticed the error after I first posted it!


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“I don’t want to say goodbye.”


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“We will work together as L no matter what.”


This was originally meant to be Near holding Mello’s head on a silver platter but thought it would be more ‘Near’ to cradle Mello’s head instead.


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