Humæn Imp0zt3r¹ ¹ ² ³ ⁵ ⁸さんのプロフィール画像

Humæn Imp0zt3r¹ ¹ ² ³ ⁵ ⁸さんのイラストまとめ

Surface-level intelligent human suffering from imposters syndrome.

フォロー数:1057 フォロワー数:208

The Eye of the Cosmos
Blacklight Style
Prompt: Helix Nebula

1 1

What the heck happened to society, are we doomed to fall like the Roman empire?

1 5

My life has been an endless parade of dealing with issues this clump of biological electricity inside a skeleton shell

1 2

"The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."

-Carl Sagan

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