

21 / 日本語 🔰 / 🐦🐴🐦/ art acc: @BAYSIDESUICIDE / rcbyf! / semi ia 4 college

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:852

i dont know why some project sekai stamps are so...passive aggressive. like i got hit with this combo in a waiting room because i didnt have my 4 star maxed out yet. i was the only person in there.

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Hey I’m Felix and it’s my 19th bday so…bday promo!!!
I like hypmic, mp100, bandori, and pokemon. I want more mutuals plz!!!


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how can bandori do this to me i feel like im gonna vomit

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heres the bday boy drawings together

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makin a pinned lolz
felix • 18 • i make art n edits • ENG OK; studying JPN
i post about HPMI + MP100 most of the time

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Evolution line for smoliv

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[ mp100 / ]
reigen time ig 🦊

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