

Father, Artist, Teacher, Advocate. One line at time. 401-267-8821

フォロー数:1329 フォロワー数:353

comic takes our dirty show on the road: "Have you ever had millions and millions of do a on your head? – Yes, STINGS and STINKS!"

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comic takes our dirty show on the road: "Many people tell me when breaks they can buy a new one. – Y’all can’t

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comic takes our dirty show on the road: "I was walking down the street when all of a sudden millions of bottles & butts were thrown at me! – Yo, is an

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comic takes our dirty show on the road: "Why did the cross the road?..."

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comic takes our dirty show on the road: "Do you know what is not a major food group for –  Our sea life can’t eat YUCK!

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comic takes our dirty show on the road: "I heard the pandemic described as a but Earth has been attacked by a invisible enemy for years – Oh God!, please no more with the Climate Change

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