MAGGIE 🌈 @ C0MMS OPEN (0/7)さんのプロフィール画像

MAGGIE 🌈 @ C0MMS OPEN (0/7)さんのイラストまとめ

Maggie ★ 23 ★ she/they ★ white ★ lesbian ★ Multifandom artist, I retweet a lot. My comms are open! 🚫 Please don’t QRT my art. 🚫 BLM + ACAB #ActuallyAutistic

フォロー数:918 フォロワー数:1247

The trans flag but I color picked it from Lucas Pokémon

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This felt like it'd be fun to do gfjflkdfgjhlk

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Extra doodle of him I did on MS paint this morning

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The trans flag, colorpicked from Rouge the Bat

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I wonder if people would pay money for plushie drawings like this... If I offered them as an option for commissions they'd probably go for pretty cheap, like maybe??? 10 dollars or smth??? They're fun n I like drawing them

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(waddles on here with my Namelessshipping fankid and gently sets her down in front of everyone)

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Haha noooooo Maggieee don’t start shipping another obscenely rare rarepair you’re sooo sexy ahahaha

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