

An organization dedicated to the appreciation of games & VGM with year-round events! For questions, email [email protected] – See You Next MAGFest.

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Valentine's Day is cool and all but how about a date with MAGWest? Come swoon us August 10-12 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara this year! More details in the coming weeks, but registration is open TODAY! Head on over to for all the info!

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You can call or text 1-855-624-8227 between 10 AM and 11 PM with questions and comments for the MAGTeam or ask in Interact on Guidebook! That is the only way to ensure a response!

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Is everyone ready for MAG2018 registration tomorrow? 3 PM ET! GET EXCITED!

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MAG2018 registration will open on Tues, August 8 at 3 PM ET! If you want a hotel, prereg is a must. More info here:

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We’ve got a BLOW-OUT! MAGFest 2018 will be held January 4-7! For more info and our new hotel booking policies:

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