

Arte y Pensamientos/
Art and Thoughts/
الفن والأفكار

フォロー数:3778 フォロワー数:2437

painter to master this style should be as good an observer as a good painter, to achieve capture every detail

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(marine sadness) inspired by a bolero (latin song) of the same name, painted by me

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The worship of the magicians of Velazquez 1619 museo del prado

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de Americo toth under represents the kiss he feels and does not see as the same rain in his work

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de Americo toth bajo la representa el beso que se siente y no ve como la misma lluvia en su obra

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This Vermeer ( concert) was stolen in 1990 , is known , less than 40 paintings of the Baroque painter

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Este Vermeer fue robada en 1990 se conocen menos de 40 pinturas de este pintor de Barroco (Concierto)

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Lautrec. 1882 / Young Routy , caused by a charcoal sketch by visiting his family ranch

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Lautrec. 1882 / Joven Routy originada por un boceto a carbón visitando la hacienda de su familia

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