

I am a Box. a box full of infinite awesomeness.—저는 무한한 굉장함으로 가득 찬 상자 입니다.

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:42

- Bless for us, Bless for me.

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- I have been playing MH:world,
And felt maybe i should draw now.
And this is new practice

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- yes, I play weeb game. And she is the best.
- 네, 저 오타쿠 게임해요. 그리고 얘가 가장 마음에 들어요.

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- fellas don’t forget to take a breakfast. It will help you opening better-morning.
- 여러분 아침은 꼭 챙겨드세요.
좀 더 상쾌하게 아침을 시작할거에요.

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- 오늘은 토스터에 대해 생각하고 있었습니다.
- today, i was thinking about a toaster.

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-뭔가 점점 어려워짐과 동시에 알것같은 간질간질한 느낌입니다.
-it kinda getting hard and one step more understanding at the same time.
Feels like itching me.

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저만의 스타일을 찾고있습니다.
현재까진 길잃은 사람처럼 혼잡하게만 그립니다.
Trying my best to find out my own style.
But still, drawing like a lost middle of nowhere.

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Painting is as fun as difficult, feels like riding a bike for the first time.
그림 그리는것이 어려운만큼 재밌는게, 마치 처음 자전거를 탈 때 같습니다.

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연습은 많이하면 좋다고 합니다.
힘든만큼의 수확이 달콤할 것을 생각합시다.
Practicing more can not be bad on any circumstances. Let’s think about how sweet our fruits of practice can be.

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I’m practicing digital paintings.
Which is so hard to adapt.
디지털 그림 연습중입니다.
적응하기 많이 어렵습니다.

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