


フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:267

Day 7: Free day
Thank you for such a great week 💜

3 17

Day 6: love is limitless
They love each other very much ❤️
Se quieren mucho ❤️

11 74

Day 4: it's complicated
Tae hurt yoon's feelings.
And they had a fight, but now they got back together.
don't worry
Tae hirió los sentimientos de yoon.
Y tuvieron una pelea, pero ahora volvieron a estar juntos.
no se preocupen

4 25

Day 3: making it official
They went on a date in the park and Tae gave her a stuffed tiger.
Fueron a una cita en el parque y Tae le regaló un tigre de peluche.

5 23

Day 2: chemistry and atracttion
Jin told Suga to do that
He is teaching him how to flirt

Jin le dijo a Suga que hiciera eso
Le está enseñando a ligar

6 21

Their friends set them up on a blind date
Sus amigos les hicieron una cita a ciegas
day 1: getting to know each other

No soy buena dibujando aún pero quería intentarlo
I am not good at drawing yet but I wanted to try it for Taegiweek.

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