

Retro/8-bit mockups, hacks, remakes, demakes, homebrews and so on.
Posts in Portuglish.

フォロー数:5097 フォロワー数:1725

I'm starting to prepare Little Nemo's cameo on Skatemasta Tcheco. Meanwhile please add it to your Steam wishlist:

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This is the Mega Cat Studios logo I converted to appear on "Lucky Penguin" NES homebrew. You can buy 72 or 60 pin Lucky Penguin cartridges at

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This scene for 's Megaman 9 NES demo was a nightmare to build (original art uses more colors on screen than NES can handle). 1)Final scene. 2)Background 3) Background 4) Sprite layer.

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Another intro scene I did for 's Mega Man 9 NES port demo. Tried to be faithful to original (but there are differences due to NES restrictions). 1) final result (NTSC) 2) Background layer 2) Sprite layer.

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One of the intro scenes I did for 's Mega Man 9 NES port demo. Tried to be faithful to original (but there are differences due to NES restrictions). 1) final result (NTSC) 2) Background layer 2) Sprite layer.

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Completely random 8-bit NES screen of the day:

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Skatemasta Tcheco is an anamorphic 15:9 game - but you can change aspect ratio to 16:9 (widescreen), 4:3 (old tube TVs) and 8:7 (original 8-bit NES and this game's real aspect ratio too). Add it to your wishlist:

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Ryu (SSF2 Opening) demake for 8-bit NES/Famicom. Rom download:

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Aero Blasters title screen demake for 8-bit NES/Famicom. ROM download at

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Completely random Sega Master System mockup of the day (9 colors used):

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