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Two of the official Pokémon Valentines Day eCards (Rescue Team DX). See all on the MDFW: https://t.co/cBlyA5WK3L
Tsubugorou (Japanese: つぶゴロウ) is a traveling human turned Mudkip featured on the @Pokemon_cojp Twitter account and the official Japanese website for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. He narrates his adventures and thoughts as he travels the Pokémon world. https://t.co/hO1ZfY9cln
The Razor Wind (Japanese: 妖刀かまいたち) is a very special Weapon in Mystery Dungeon 2: Shiren the Wanderer.
It allows the wielder to hit three squares in front of them with a single swing. It also works around corners.
Did you know? Wigglytuff was a male in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. Due to a translation error in the English release, Wigglytuff's gender was changed to female in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Parthenos (Japanese: パルテノス) was a monster planned for the original Mystery Dungeon 2: Shiren the Wanderer in 1995. While it wasn't included in the game as an enemy, its sprite can still be found in the game's code.
Ravaged Field. A harsh and forbidding place of utter desolation. Even here, there exist hardy Pokémon.
See more on the MDFW: https://t.co/qlkuEOyBtl
Transform Forest. A boulder, shining with different colors, lies in the center of this extraordinary, slowly transforming forest.
See more on the MDFW: https://t.co/mO2SBNi8wN
Lilypa in Torneko 1 fire wooden arrows at Torneko in a straight line. They have low attack, but will only approach Torneko if they can't shoot him. To safely approach Lilypa, move towards them diagonally to avoid their arrows.
Learn more on the MDFW: https://t.co/61uDOq4IjR