

NSFW amateur artist wish me luck, also the coolest dog

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:1187

I recently ran out of ideas to draw anything, i wanted to start with something like the new characters from azur lane or anything but I couldnt imagine a perfect posing for those characters, at the end i found her perfect for this

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Hey guy, lets celebrate that is Sunday with a smile, and an Asuna bunny wish a happy morning

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Hey its have been a long time since I didnt update anything, and recently I start working on something I hope anyone like it.
I believe it’s pretty good but I hope I can get better than this.
Tell me your thoughs

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I’m planning to do my support list of fate/GO with my own drawings
Jeane d’ arc alter, this one, I have the normal jalter, but… when I was drawing her, I start thinking on how beautiful is jalter summer so I change it a bit

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Not finished but I like it

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