

inactive acc! i no longer use twitter!
(no, you cannot find me elsewhere)

フォロー数:1397 フォロワー数:257

where the fuck did her face go

[not tagging bc this is a wip]

0 5

And heres the full drawing.

(fun fact, this took from 8 AMto 12 PM to finish)

0 6

shading progress. i cant believe im actuALLY SHADING THIS.

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should i shade this.

1 5

i was very hesitant in posting this but then i remembered: this is twitter, fuck it man im posting it anyway

( )

2 15

the one time i decide to work on mod things is when i decide "ah yes, let me remake their references first"

[ ]

6 21

this is what i get for remaking an already existing reskin

[ shockingly, . ]

0 9

i was in drawpile and me and my friend zorphix collabed on a vanta drawing

6 16

hey, so i got lazy, didnt wanna make a comm sheet!
but heres an informal announcement:
discord nitro comms are open! i can. basically make ref sheets, icons and pixel art (wow)
interested? just shoot me a dm, lol

[ examples below ]

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