

art archive account, i RT from @MHACHINA do not use my art

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:383

and today i scribbled some jupiter

37 106

also a scribble of Baro Man (rockman OC)

6 16

<peep peep>
2 versions bc i was messing around

12 35

400 💞 thank you all <3 !

I will be doing a giveaway soon once October is Octover as a thank you

3 11

Happy birthday to !! Phantom is mine and Rewind is CC's
Possibly on a trip together? recording some fun videos? they're having fun either way o/

8 10

another revamp of one of my older OCs
DSN-004 Phantom Man
fire based fox
he's kinda like a street performer/illusionist/trickster character, hence the name - half the time the flames are just illusions

25 49

lmao i was thinking about the titty window sweater and robot body suits

3 12

uhh helmetless robot headcanons except it's the only 2 i actually have any hcs for rn...

11 22