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Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Early Antidobra sketch.
Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Early Echobat sketch. #MHRise
#MHStories2 Monsties: Dreadqueen Rathian
The bodies of these Rathian Deviants are adorned with spikes full of a deadly venom, which they release in noxious pink clouds. Wherever they go, death is not far behind, as they lash out and reduce the land to utter desolation.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Rajang
The lack of confirmed sightings of these ultra-aggressive Fanged Beasts is testament to their power, and also the reason why so little is known about their natural habitat.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Velkhana
These Elder Dragons are said to freeze all in their path. According to legend, they can control the cold, and use its freezing breath to conjure massive spires of ice out of nowhere.
Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Early Lanternbug sketch.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Kushala Daora
Giant Elder Dragons clad in metal plating. Enrobed in gale-strength winds, they whip up storms wherever they go. Their tempestuous power can wreak utter devastation.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Zinogre
Fanged Wyverns that bear a mantle of raw electricity and attack with razor-sharp claws and sturdy limbs. When hunting, they gather countless Thunderbugs to store their electrical energy and get supercharged.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Astalos
Astalos can generate high-voltage electricity within their bodies. They shudder violently to charge up whatever body part they plan to attack with. A naturally aggressive species, they fiercely defend their territories.
#MHStories2 Monsties: Rathian
Female Flying Wyverns, dubbed Queens of the Land. They possess powerful legs and deadly, poisonous tails.