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The enduring legacy of MC Escher's #surrealist illustrations, whose significant contribution to visual culture has long been dismissed by art scholars @DadaSurrealism https://t.co/Se8FoiidXP
The minimalist designs of creative illustrator and graphic designer @martadasaro reveal the #surrealist side to everyday objects @creativeboommag https://t.co/GM3NeNGpeY
The Egyptian #surrealist artist group Art et Liberté's mandate encouraged Egypt to see the #surrealism in classic Egyptian artworks @CharlesShafaieh @colettepeignot https://t.co/P1uguIaU59
Neil Thornton's new book Led By Lions examines the lives politicians that fought alongside soldiers in the war effort during #WWI @kesiatk @ehlyons https://t.co/wuXVGZwZYA
Looking again to #modernist artist Georgia O'Keeffe, whose "iron discipline" in rejecting gendered positions and in creating her aesthetic and creative life continues to influence contemporary art @okeeffemuseum https://t.co/T5ly7EBfVm
René Magritte: The Revealing Image explores the unseen photography of the celebrated #surrealist painter @DaisyAECW https://t.co/5no9WHZkW7
How Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson's extensive @I_W_M & @BBC research on #WWI informed his upcoming documentary on the Great War @1418NOW https://t.co/yxgieJfZOO
Andy Warhol: Seven Illustrated Books explores the pop artist's fanciful drawings before he became the pop art icon we know today https://t.co/jM7r631BL1
Edvard Munch's #avantgarde & #expressionist paintings reveal a sombre reality of isolation & doubt @WilkeArt @HauntedScreen @agstudies https://t.co/1qYB9IZYe2
Exploring how Macbeth continues to influence contemporary culture as the "greatest theatrical poem ever written." @rahulsapraji @Ryerson_English https://t.co/rl6t0dZVeP