


フォロー数:8747 フォロワー数:8765

Joshua Trees in infared yesterday

1 7

Pescadero beach, B&W infrared film

0 2

bird of paradise shooting digital infrared today

1 4

shot from February near dinosaur point Aerochrome IR film with Distagon lens,

3 15

Artist Arena Shawn painting during our Open Studios show, B&W SFX film, Olympus OM-1

0 3

Flower series, Half Moon Bay, shot with 1940's toy camera, color slide

4 7

spent the day in the South Bay marshes bay, photography

2 6

Standing in a stream looking back through the trees near Pacheco Pass, CA digital

12 21

Dinosaur Point, near Pacheco Pass, CA Aerochrome

3 7

Storms in northern CA ! we need it. South Bay Marshes after the storm, digital

5 8