//=time() ?>
I made a mistake wen making his physics, for this, I used twice the bone I needed, I used 2 insted of just one, (at the same exact position) and they are not rigged the same, but.. this seems to create a really good result.. i'm kinda surprised
High quality Gyee Model Test (futur wip, I still need to finish Tez and shino.. and takemaru)
the MMDC need a new Morph Chart, for realistic model, I just can't do morph like > < or 0 0
Realistic model in MMD just look soulless, I wonder how I could fix that.. Since eye are now eyeball, for the eye controller bone I put ''2'' instead of 1 in the following ratio
Tez's outfit 3D model is done! only thing left is texturing and rigging!
#Housamo #MMD #Tokyoafterschoolsummoners #CGI #3D