

Writer, Polyglot, Traveler, Bard. Fantasy lit & gaming since the 80ies. VGM podcaster @battlebardscast ♫

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The game manages all of this with neat tricks and often low textures but it all works. The crafting is already great and fun with room for more. 👍Travel by boat was a lot of fun and is sloooow as it should be.

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So, since you should always follow up on first impressions, I've been playing some more. While I still dont like my character, the world is stunning! Amazing colors, water, weather effects and overall atmosphere - best to date for comparable titles imho. 👍

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So the better half gifted me Valheim because I refused to buy it and this is the female model....kill me now.

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Instead of posting 4, am just going to post one - the ONE! 😎🥰🥰

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Reverse Mermaid - a humorous spin on this ! 😉
The second image is actually a Magritte that became part of a bizarre press hoax in 1973: https://t.co/vcKfu0WvtZ
(I think we can agree we prefer original mermaids! 🙈)

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How lovely 🥰
(Art by Tom Cage)

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The Little Mermaid written by danish writer H.C. Andersen in 1837 is one of Europe's most beloved tales. It's based on a German Saga of Undine from 1320. In true Andersen fashion, the original tale of the Little Mermaid is heartbreaking and sad.

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There can never be too many!!!

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