

I write. I guide. I ideate. I build. I collect. I push. I create.
Digital art, artists, and projects - my playground.
Team @themeanscreator and you.

フォロー数:792 フォロワー数:1051

for a while - Fractured by on

Check out the original with animation here:

4 9

The stayed the course and minted right in the middle of this exhausting bear market. They'll beat it. The team listens, works its ass off and makes good on promises. I got a horned-fanged-neon one that couldn't express better what the context is now 😃

3 9

WoWGed with this beauty. Those eyes. Those eyes.
Welcome to my humble fam
You light up the place real nice.

1 7

I like triplets.
The ultimate "where TF were you when the floor was at 0.002" project.

4 16

Minted out and caught this one on OS before reveal. This is a keeper project. This is a "where TF were you when the floor was at 0.002" project.

1 18


This hungry lady is going places and I'm here for that ride.

1 2

This would make for a beautiful story:
A model, a cool AF | a semi-hero and an chill bro walk into a bar…

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