

art account of @banettite. monsters abound. (he/they)

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:100

sing your heart out, rocker boy

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you know its bad when the girl in the lisa frank overalls and 90s color block tshirt says this to you

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ammo this is the third time you've painted "cannon in repose"

happy pride here's absolute disaster bisexual artist monster being madly in love with his gay boyfriend and using him as a muse

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thinkin about stuff

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the guy from the piercing shop wants to know if this is your scooter parked illegally in front of his store (it is blocking the emergency exit)

bet you thought i'd stop at 100 monsters. well,

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sometimes your adult son insists on being a jerk to people so you have to bring out the Big Guns

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when the smoothie shop is crowded and you're waiting for your partner but he's not there so the only thing you can do is sit outside on your own tail and wait

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gogo's two moods

i really like drawing crop tops

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you can't stop him from imagining things!! its impossible!! his imagination is infinite!!


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