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Price Drop: Bonza Word Puzzle (Games) is now FREE , get it from the Apple App Store.

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Bizarre looking Heart 401AB handset to launch in Japan this March

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Writer Talks 'World War Z' Sequel

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Price Drop: netwars / The Butterfly Attack (Books) is now FREE , get it from the Apple App Store.

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Price Drop: 99 Bricks Wizard Academy (Games) is now FREE , get it from the Apple App Store.

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Price Drop: Tainted Keep (Games) is now FREE , get it from the Apple App Store.

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Learning from life: How to build a chair like a cell might

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AI solves Texas hold ‘em poker and becomes unbeatable

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The secrets of Sriracha, as revealed by the creator

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Price Drop: Super Lemonade Factory (Games) is now FREE , get it from the Apple App Store.

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