

Full-Time Web3 | Hodler of Invisible Friends #1 | Networking | Whale Group | Ordinal Collector | In Crypto Since Before It Was Cool 👾

フォロー数:2499 フォロワー数:3517
# tuest

When you make an authentic community we HODL because we believe and the project will not die off as soon as its minted. We keep engaging and getting more attention for people to buy off OS. Community definitely plays an important part of the project. We are built different. IF

0 5

We will be going to the moon! Prices have been dropping because people don't know what's to come. When it hits and announcements made then people will be buying for 20 30ETH 🤣

0 9

You've the whole invisible friends Community behind you now! ❤️ Gonna be such a good collection! Love the animation! Crying inside about not getting one WL chance over the last 5 submissions 🥲 Any Chance I could get it? Diamond Hands all the way! You can check my wallet. IF

0 4

Slowly everyone is owning their forever friends!!! I'm pretty sure we'll be out of paperhands soon! Once the 3D wrap and Garbage Friends starts to hit there'll only be one way this could go 🆙⬆️📈

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community, it just occurred to me that y'all made me a hugeee part of the IF community without even being a holder about a month back. Thank You so much for that❤️ IF is the first community I put so much effort into and loved. And I was right to do so. Small 🧵...

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