

A writer on the IDW Sonic Fan Annual Project and The Adventures of Creamocchia. Big Cream the Rabbit and Belle the Tinkerer fan. Profile pic by @SpacePancakes…

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:579

Hope this year is a great one for you and the rest of the teams working so hard to entertain us all :)

What I'd love to see in 2023 is Cream and Vanilla finally getting some love in more Sonic media. Tis the year of the rabbit and Advance 2's 20th Anniversary after all ^_^

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If you are looking for a better Harry Potter-like series that's cute as heck, Netflix has this gem.

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Hi, I have Belle art that I've drawn in the past 🔨🔧

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They're just so cute everybody. They're so cuuuuuuute 💙😭

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I want to thank all my followers and friends for putting up with me in 2022. You keep me going in slowly evolving as a writer and a novice artist, and as one to stay in high spirits. I hope 2023 will bring many good things for you all :)

2023 will also be the year of the rabbit!

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12. Favourite Sonic: IDW Sonic.

It's pretty much game canon Sonic, which is why I enjoy him the best, only it's the best he's ever been written in my opinion. He's a hero with clear flaws, but he still has a heart of gold. I love me some heroes who aren't perfect.

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8. Favourite Piece of Media: IDW Sonic the Hedgehog.

This series means so much to me. Best storytelling in modern Sonic media, the best new characters in years, incredible artwork, and my biggest inspiration to continue writing and drawing. I owe so much to it.

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