

🔞 Hey! I'm MissThunderkin! I draw and whine and thats about it!
32, ♒ If you wanna ask anything! curiouscat.me/MThunderkin

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:530

Go on an adventure they said.
It'll be fun they said.
Nothing BAD could happen.

Bart and Sam are mine and Lily is 's

8 41

Turns out, that dying a second time, getting a new eye, and trauma dumping to three of your cousins is actually pretty cathartic.

12 43

For my thirsty ass followers here and on tumblr

1 23

I just really want these parts to be appreciated without the shading and cattails hhhh

2 15

-Now thats a new smell-

I have yet again been reminded why I don't draw Bob in his werewolf form. HIM DIFFICULT

11 38

While I was on the subject of Bart's dad
I HAD to do his mom too. Her name is Argonne

She has some standards when it comes to potential in-laws

7 19

Has new pen
Proceeds to not use new pen

The twin highlords Scarborough and Mordren Malbus

One is Sam's Great x4 Grandpap the other is Bart's Pap.


13 64

Really happy with how this headshot of Obris came out hhhh

18 76

He's not even my character and I'm obsessed. Good thing the hubs gave me full custody LOL

7 49

Testing out a tablet for the first time in OOF years
I'm super rusty my GOSH

4 24