

Family. Dogs. Golf. BTC.

フォロー数:1106 フォロワー数:867

Happy LETS. FUCKING.GO!!! The best community/project no cap! Bears are just built different.

10 62

Excited to see what the have in store for 2023. I truly believe they will be 10ETH in the next few months. The community is second to none and always delivers. I love my Fam and we all like the bears!!!

26 82

Just so you guys know I hit this from STAKING! Worth well over 1 ETH value and all I did was nothing. are a cut above. you sir are a wizard!!

36 121

My prize possession !! I am so impressed with everything and the team does with this project. Can’t wait to see what this week brings!!

22 104

Shout out my guy for the smooth transaction! Stoked to finally own this bear! Incredibly impressed with and the whole team!! WE LIKE THE BEARS

57 162

I like to think I have great taste in all aspects of life and there is nothing sexier than a NFT prove me wrong

32 104