

Kaloian Toshev ✦ Artist ✦ Exploring the synthesis of human & machine ✦ Turning women into the queens they really are ✦ @ExtraordinalW ✦ @sublimesNFT ✦ #ordinals

フォロー数:1472 フォロワー数:3710

Thank you for the opportunity Dave.
This is my latest series they are huge experiment for and completely new workflow where AI learns from my art and helps me create.

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“Beauty, Lust & Desire”
1/1 🔥 0.8 ETH

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“Beauty, Lust & Desire”
0.8 ETH

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“Beauty, Lust & Desire” 🥰💋
0.8 ETH

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A late Saturday Gm, frens!☕️☀️🥓

Some of my NY resolutions include playing more fiercely with my art and spenging more quality time in nature, so far rocking at both!

How are your 2023 resolutions going? 🤪

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Super happy to get one of works! I'm a fan since I discovered his works with the boom of NFTs

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Gm frens!☀️☕️
Hav been away during the holidays for some reflection and fam time but I am now back with full power! 🦾💙 What did I miss?

„Dark mode”, the process.

10 25