

I'm matsix. I exist.

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:12616

No I'm trying to trigger her by still saying she's 4'9"+1" instead of saying she's 4'10"

0 18

Yeah being 4'9 has it's downsides

0 23

Those first two points you made sounds lewd ayaya

0 43

um don't tell the parents, okay?

0 12

I still see the reflections in his glasses. Just blink 5 times dyrus.

2 137

Going to be streaming in about an hour! Hope to see everyone there!

I'm actually tempted to stream VRChat later later into the stream. We'll see.

Also I was thinking of changing it up today, would you guys like to see me play dauntless? Let me know!

4 130

Since they blocked me and likely deleted my reply steals art. They stole art from someone and recolored it and slightly changed it to look like ash's hair. Fake fanart is something I take seriously because I have very high respect for the artists in this community

40 314

I wonder what would happen if I tried modeling accessories using pro builder for my avatar 🤔 obviously I can't do like weight painting and bone structure unless I export but I can do something like...say... ZERO TWOS HORNS AND HEADBAND DEVICE THING

3 172

なに?! you can't be a wolf

0 36