

Just a lil scuff ENG/PH PinguTuber who mostly supports the homies! Comfy lil streamer who sings, does art, and loves her community! #MacellaneArt🐧🍓

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I did end up having issues similar to what happened during the 34 hour stream. The rain causing disruption, OBS being a bitch, my internet being wack, and the scuff being way too real. I still tried to power through them tho ;w; I really did my best to entertain my pingus ;w;

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I eventually did end up pausing streams for a while though since I ended up resuming my uni academics so I could finish them. I ended up doing minimal streams on my free time but my amazing pingus were patient to wait for me ;w; I was slowly improving as a person though

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I really didn't have much confidence in myself back then so I was hella shy whenever someone interacted to me or gave me a follow... I've met a lot of amazing friends who helped me get the confidence to do the things I do at present... But scuff is forever o7

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I ended up fixing up my laptop and I decided to go for the affiliate push! I streamed for 7 days during June since I just needed the stream for 7 days part. I learned a lot, helped a lot of other non-affiliates, made new friends, and just... got good I guess? It was fun owo

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Idk why they liked it but I saw them furiously typing and using emotes in the VC chat. They told me to try streaming and even posted my Twitch link which was funny to me. "You kept up with our typing, Maki. You should definitely try it." and it got me thinking during encore.

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I let it slip that I knew how to sing and play instruments so... I was asked to join a vc with 2 people... That suddenly became 8 people wtf.

I was literally thinking "WTF where tf did y'all come from---"

They were all muted and talked in the VC chat so I just... Sung for them

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I learned how to interact with the community at some point and it felt... So nice to feel like you're part of the community at first... Until you finally realize... NERD YOU ARE PART OF THE COMMUNITY---

So I ended up making a lot of new friends in the process... And then...

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I only came to Twitch at literally at Jan 20 this year and I really enjoyed watching streamers. I didn't really know much about the concept of streamers or vtubers or whatnot but I enjoyed them nonetheless. I was super shy to interact in their chat and community as well... ;w;

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Here it is! The biggest drawn thread of 2022!
The year 2022 really has been such a rollercoaster of events that I never expected would ever happen to me. Join me as I reminisce about how 2022 treated me as a streamer and as a person!

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