Terence MacSwiney CCさんのプロフィール画像

Terence MacSwiney CCさんのイラストまとめ

Our mission is to facilitate learning & provide guidance and nurturing to all of our students in a caring environment.
Aonad lán-Ghaeilge: @gctms

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Merry Christmas to our students, staff, friends & families . Have a wonderful break and we’ll see you all in the New Year ❤️

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Our first years are getting used to their new iPads and creating cool posters in Business Class

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Our TY Digital Drawing Class are showing us how it’s done… Incredible Talent

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Happy Earth Day from all at Terence MacSwiney Community College and .. check out these lovely drawings by Evan & Shane

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Some lovely St. Patrick’s Day Posters from Ms. McLoughlin’s 1st year RE. class ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

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More creative Christmas cards from our 2nd year class 😍 completed on the sketches school on iPad

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Our neighbours are 40 years in our community and our TYs celebrated this with these festive forties created on sketches school with their iPads. Happy Christmas to our friends at Apple 🥰#everyonecancreate

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We created some interesting Solar Systems using different objects in our TY Everyone Can Create class for Science Week.. Here’s some examples from Seán, Ericka, Shane & Darragh… Very Cool 😎

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TY students used SketchesSchool today to work on still life drawings.. how amazing are these colourful masterpieces

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Another really creative Everyone Can Create drawing class, students used their iPads and Apple pens to draw selfies. Great work by Ciara, Ruby, Dylan & Shane 🎨✍️🎨✍️🎨

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