

He/Him | There are lots of unfinished/paused projects I have for which I was probably burning with passion for at some point in time...

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It's late, but I did something this year!
Used it as practice for the I that is still trying to figure out a style for a webcomic lol

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My shut-in self keeps forgetting how eye-catching I can be. At times wearing velvety shirts, trench-coats with straps, stuff fit for a play... Plus the make-up very much influenced by K-pop (won't deny it), now with such vibrant hair colour...

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Kek, I realise I said I uploaded all stuff, but I skipped Rhett's one... Welp.
This one's outline was a real mess lmao

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I realised there was stuff I never uploaded, so here...
From what I call masochism (1/2), both redid the thing and finished it.

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I have finally finished 's request, oh how did I struggle with the Vulpix. Took me ages to fulfil this and ended up wanting to start it anew, so I did it all over again, it took me less than 24 hrs! Yay, I'm getting back into the zone

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After looking at one of the load screen pictures where a family was, I got this need to draw a kid version of my main.
Have the coloured draft I did as a plus!

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Have been pretty down lately, feeling sucky and unmotivated. While I was procastinating I went through old photos and remembered I wanted to draw one of those, so her is this.
Tried for once 's Gradient Maps and Correction Layers, had fun messing around with them.

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There were some artworks I planned to post and never did, but I just had to with this one, I blame a certain Discord Server for this and their April Fools. Will modify this later (probably).

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Fun story, I had started working on this weeks ago, but left in on the headshot, today I got to practice my cell shading and decided to try and complete it, and here is the result. Body was mostly left on sketching phase lol.

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Take on Old Wei from TKA, followed TKAA's (The King's Avatar Aliance) prompt (Retirement)
I should probably re-do this properly later, but probably when I'm free Inktober would already be over so... lol
Sorry for the messy colouring lol

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