Torrane 🌈さんのプロフィール画像

Torrane 🌈さんのイラストまとめ

!Attention-Due to space saving any hint of self-confidence had to be removed... but now we`ve got enough room for the cookies🍪 -

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:14

Finally had some time to practice a bit. I present: Sypha (♥️) from (the netflix series). Actually not totally unhappy with the result :)

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I dunno why, but somehow my earlier post is just suddenly gone. So i thought I'm gonna repost it real quick. As I said before: Still a ton of triangles :)

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It seems like i have an outdated Version of Word. So no fancy new drawing functions for me :( Well on the other hand I got the chance to place a freakin lot of triangles....and two pie charts for the eyes 😋

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I`m finally seeing some progress in my art, so I decided to do a little thing for I`ve been rewatching a Let´s Play recently and goes my version of Toni :)

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Irgendwie hab ich momentan dieses ding am laufen...#justaphase 😅🚀🌕#improving

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