

26 | ♂|🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿| Fakemon Artist | Illustrator | Professional Photographer | Fav GAMES! Genshin, Tales Series, Yo-Kai Watch, Xenoblade & Pokemon

フォロー数:988 フォロワー数:9246

Future Paradox Yveltal
Iron Radiant

With immense toxic energetic power, this Pokemon can fly up too 2000 mph & fly altitudes of over 85,000 feet. Poisonous smoke comes out from its font exhaust system.

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Future Paradox Virus Groudon
Iron Armageddon

Virus Groudon was created by a wish from Jirachi, just like in the movie. But is in this distant parallel timeline, Technology was so advanced they capture it and modified it to become an ultimate Bioweapon.

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Past Paradox Kecleon
Name: Horned Menace (Normal/Dragon)

From a distant parallel past, this pokemon dominated through out Hoenn.

Strangely enough, this pokemon is some what related to Cyclizar, a Distant relative that branched off.

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Paradox Jirachi
Name: Iron Wish (Psychic/Fairy)

>Jirachi from a Parallel Future that can absorb the light from the Moon.

>It can create any wish without any consequences by using the power of the "Triangulum" in the night sky.

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Paradox forms of Furret

Name: Furry Rage (Normal/Fighting) & Iron Fluff (Normal/Steel)

>Furry Rage always love to pick a fight with others of its kind.

>Iron Fluff does not have any back legs, it slithers around seeking anything round to play with, especially loves pokeballs.

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The shell of little terapagos

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Would be interesting to see a baby version of Terapagos.

>this would be a weak form that floats around the trainer with curiosity, deep within Area Zero!

>Revealing that this Pokemon is not in its true form and is in fact the Master of Glittering Aura of the Past & Future!

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If I was a Pokemon Gym leader? I would pick Ground types! My boi 50% Zygarde would use earthquake and signature Zygarde moves! Not sure if legends are allowed but idc. Gliscor is Pog. Claydol underated and Runerigus to have the ghost type! Let’s battle!

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Name: Iron Rainbow
Type: Fire/Fairy

Future Paradox Ho-oh is one of a kind, it radiates heat to take off into the sky and even deep space. Even though this sounds impossible, it absorbs visible colour to increase it power.

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