

🧡Event: East European Comic Con 2024

🧡Fanart and Comics MutiFandom


And one of the creators at #TehnoillogicalAU

フォロー数:350 フォロワー数:507

Happy Birthday!! 🥳🎉🎊
Hope you have a good day! 🧡

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It's only a month until Christmas! ❄️☃️

1 27

Congratulations for 5k followers! 🎊
I'm very happy for you that you made it to this number. 🧡 And I know you will continue to grow. 🤗

11 107

Me at 13 vs now:

At 13, I was quite bullied by some people because of a problem of mine. This made me very distrustful of myself and everything I said.

Now I am a bit more confident and try to be the way I want to be, even if some people don't like or believe in me.

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I felt a little sick today... Tomorrow I have to post 4 more parts of the comic. I still have some work to do on them and they are likely to appear a little later than normal. Sorry if that happens. 😓

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