

Professional poker player turned into crypto trader

フォロー数:1763 フォロワー数:1330

Heading to wearing my favorite suit, Rosey Suit🌹 Let’s see how I wake up on saturday

8 45

Heading to with couple of new alchemist acquisitions! 🪄🪄

15 113

Added another rosey and my first dfarmer Both grails in future, no doubt🌹

7 86

I don't sweep often but when I do, I sweep and I wear Rosey Jacket. It's Rosey time!🌹

58 306

Added couple of grail s.

22 209

So I went grail shopping lately...

22 210

Time to move this sick tiger to a new owner. It was a privilege to own this one. At the time of writing it's the 2nd biggest sale of pfp collection. Traded it for 13weth, 2xPotatoz, 4xrare/mid-rare Rengas (#2561,#6500,#3641,#4319). Estimated value 32-35(eth)

77 439

Couldn’t help myself. Fking love it!

50 414

Updated my father's pfp and fking love it!

32 321

Updated my daughter's pfp and fking love it!

16 136