

Angry cynical Cactus.
Comic artist, illustrator, diplomated doofus, plant daddy.
Idiot. Confusing people since the 90s

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:32855

So, I was making these like... warm-ups, and it's now a series of portraits.
For a mysterious reason Don here looks a bit like me (mostly it's the tired look and the haircut, lol), maybe that's cuz I referenced myself to draw the hand...

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Here's also a commission I've made back in november. I am very slow with my art work these days, and I am very sorry for that... I still try to do my best, but I'm like a snail when it comes to speed, lately...

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I've been away, cuz reasons...
But, here's some posts on Boosty - wip of a commission, finished commission, a short sketch with Petey, and actually NEW recent post with a 6 page comic, that I wanted to make before Christmas\New Year, but was too exausted and thus it's a bit late.

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Five new posts on Boosty!
Sketches with Don, Peter and Wayne, wip of a commission and a little picture with hugs, cua I was feeling like garbage for the past two weeks %)

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Four new posts on Boosty!
Progress of a commission, some sketches with TK, portraits of a sexy man, I mean, Don. Portrait of Sarah, and two pages of storyboards.

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Four new posts on Boosty!
A page of sketches with Lucy, a page of sketches with Peter's maw, progress steps and the finished commission.)

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Four new posts on Boosty!
Here's a finished commission with the sleeping dragon and a girl, some sketches with kid Peter, Peter not having a good time at the beach (cuz sun is pure evil), and, finally, Daniel!

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Four new posts on Boosty!
There's a commission progress with a sleeping dragon, fanart sketch with kid Wayne, two pages worth of comic storyboards and, finally, Vio.
(I couldn't decide on his colour scheme, so, yeah. It is what it is.)

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W: I'd go on a concert, if it wasn't for work and study... And risk of being crushed by the crowd. Again.

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