Madeleine ** subliminal and liminal simultaneouslyさんのプロフィール画像

Madeleine ** subliminal and liminal simultaneouslyさんのイラストまとめ

illustrator, writer, rock-finder, mini painter, TTRPGer, hopeful, 37. I wanna make art w/ you! The Ember of Ember+Ash. pronouns are ji/jir (she/her but spicy)

フォロー数:3786 フォロワー数:1704

I'm a character portrait and broad genre illustrator! I've been doing a lot of work for zines lately. Open for commissions! I post art and ttrpg stuff on twitter, cause my partner and I create content and are writers as well

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another personal piece for the hell of it. Ridiculous color choices - eyes as big as Texas.

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This is my baby Corn, he's a good boy when he doesn't shit on the floor. Only his nose is in focus, as it should be. ❤🐱

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just a loose, fun little personal piece. I've been mostly doing commissions and this lineart was sitting in a sketchbook, waiting to be dressed up a bit.

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Vibrant, clean, unusual; check all three off! Dm me if you want to make some weird stuff together!

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I have a bunch typed up and illustrated, but publishing them all (there's 10, plus a custom adventure!) Will be in 2 weeks after our kickstarter is over. Soon!

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I love pen and ink illustration and am currently open for commissions. DM me to see what we can do together!

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Fav d&d monster is the Death Kiss! Shy little guy! 🥰 Used him in a big boss battle, his name was Eulogy.

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