

The dichotomy of loving musicals and horror movies || Inhales anime, books, video games 📖🎮 Exhales vine quotes~ 🔞🇵🇷 DC comics, CSM, Dune || she/her…

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March Reading Bundle:

1) ATLA: Suki, Alone - great solo story on Suki
2) ATLA: Imbalance - the building blocks of Republic City and the equalists that appear in LoK
3) Batman: The Neighborhood - the huntress chapter was the best, made me want to read more huntress

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February Reading Bundle:

1) DC Bombshells Deluxe Vol 1 - fell in love with the designs, the story and the women
2) Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe - jokes and Jojo style action galore
3) ATLA: Katara and the Pirate's Silver - cute low stakes story with best girl

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It's so crazy to me how the strawberry shortcake cartoon never thought about becoming a serious perfume brand. I'd imagine it could be similar to the Harajuku line where you can collect them as a perfume or just a cute display doll

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Being the person forced to hold a conversation in an elevator with a complete stranger.

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December Reading Bundle:

1) Snow White with the Red Hair Vol 22 - tensions rise during a ballroom dance
2) Psycho-Pass Manga - great retelling of the events from the anime, I really miss Ko x Akane
3) Chainsaw Man Vol 1-4 - chainsaw fever hit me hard after that S1 finale

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Will never not be mad I never got to fight the giant robot spider that killed off humanity in the first Horizon Zero Dawn game.

I grew up in the 2000s where for some reason every movie had a giant scary spider moment. I need my revenge goddamnit.

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I'm so balls deep into the chainsaw man anime, I thought when Kobeni threw up two peace signs it would activate her her sloppy devil stand or smth

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October Reading Bundle:

1) Fangirl Vol 2 - been a while since I read Vol 1, cute romantic drama.
2) Batman: White Knight presents Harley Quinn - Fantastic premise for a villain story. Wishing for more.
3) Batman: Their Dark Designs Vol 1 - great art for for a bland story imo

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August Reading Bundle:

1) Remina - it's like that movie, Don't Look Up, but if the planet was an eldritch monster
2) Gyo - fish can infact be scary
3) Snow White with the Red Hair Vol. 20 - much needed wholesome pallette cleaner with more shiraxzenxobi moments

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July Reading Bundle:

1) The Poorcraft Cookbook - learned how to make a mean tofu stew from this
2) Little Miss P - cute relatable period stories that makes having periods slightly bearable
3) Feng Shui Modern - simple and easy to understand tips on feng shui

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