MageHouse 🎃🖤⚙️ |さんのプロフィール画像

MageHouse 🎃🖤⚙️ |さんのイラストまとめ

We are Pumpkin Mage & Mecha Mage! A vtuber couple on Twitch & YouTube! Come join the magic~! ✨
Model パパ @SchwannitySan & @MrZing07

フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:392

Thank you so much, Xan!
But you know I've never seen your work before :<
~ 🎃🖤🦇

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Ugh, today feels like such a lazy day...

Well anyway, Happy Monday everyone!

Mecha and I will be streaming Sonic R tonight (which Mecha is very, very good at)! Hopefully he won't flex on you plebs too hard (•̀ ω •́ )

jk We love you all so much!!

See you tonight!

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We had a fantastic time at our collab with tonight!! ^-^ We really hope to do it again sometime soon!
~ Pumpkin & Mecha 🎃🖤🎩

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Your leather pants!?! Argama, you're a goddess! I've been trying to make my own for weeks.
Thank youuu!!

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Good morning everynyan!!
We're playing more A Way Out today and hopefully I'll have our bi-weekly stream schedule out by tomorrow ^-^
See you guys at 6:15pm EST for more A Way Out!!
~ Pumpkin & Mecha 🎃🖤🎩

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I love your hat! ^-^ Suppose you could say that I really like pumpkins lol
Hi there! I'm the PumpkinMage and I stream with my hubby the MechaMage on twitch. It's nice to meet you!! ^-^

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Nice to meet you!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I'm the PumpkinMage and I stream with my hubby the MechaMage! You're welcome to visit our MageHouse anytime! ^-^

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Art by ^-^
Thank you so much for the adorable comic!! (≧▽≦)
Please go support them! They're an incredible artist ^-^

~ Pumpkin & Mecha 🎃🖤🎩

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