

Animation is suteki! Would rather be a pig than a fascist. He/him, 26, bi, Brazil 🏳️‍🌈🇧🇷

フォロー数:597 フォロワー数:1309

The sprawling, layered, endless, opressive, colorful, collapsing city is the film's real protagonist

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Revolutionary Girl Utena "She's still trapped all alone in that coffin. No, it's not just her. We're all trapped in our coffins."
Mawaru Penguindrum "This world is made of countless boxes. People bend into their own boxes, and stay there for the rest of their lives..."

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"The Love That Blossomed in Wintertime". Red, the color of Touga, Akio's suit, the Rose Bride's dress, the Prince's cape, power, lust, red cars, poppies, and eternal suffering.

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The Prince who Runs through the Night (SB Mamoru Hosoda, AD Shinya Hasegawa/Hiroshi Nagahama). Not many pieces of animation have crushed me like this ep. A horrifying portrayal of the vilest abuse, made doubly distressing by the subtlety of the presentation

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"The Romance of the Dancing Girls": Nanami's animal antics are some of the best comedy Ikuhara has ever made, but it's her rejection by the world and her painful coming of age into the adult world in these episodes that makes her my favorite character

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"Her Tragedy": this series spends so many hilarious episodes building up Nanami as an amazing comic relief character, and then it breaks her completely in a single episode by making her be the first to realize the ugly and disgusting truth of the world

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The most emotionally powerful episode of the arc, though, has to be the climax at "I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself. I want to become 'someone who can exercise power'. I want to become a prince. For friendship, perhaps."

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Just finished rewatching the first arc of Utena. Was quite impressed by "Unfulfilled Juri" (SB Mamoru Hosoda, AD Akemi Hayashi, KA Yumeta Company), whose formalistic yet emotionally charged direction brings to mind some of Hosoda's best works from his peak on 1999~2006.

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"Drop your four favorite characters and ask whether you have rights"

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Turn A Gundam 43: the entire series building up to this, and damn how it delivered

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