

Creative crone 🧶 Cottage Witch 🧙‍♀️ Daughter of Hecate 🗝 Vegan🌱 Lover of cats, corvidae and curious tales 🐱 Maker of shawls infused with magickal energy ✨

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In rabbinic texts Adam's first wife - created his equal - who fled Eden refusing subservience.
Demonised for defying patriarchy.
Vilified for insolent independence.
Feared for her innate feminine power.
So it began.
🎨R. Ferri

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Demonic possession becoming a nuisance? 👿Then grab yourself some St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Known to medieval exorcists as Fuga Daemonum it was the go-to solution for expelling devils, spirits, hexes and diabolic diseases!
🎨Tractatus de Herbis 1440

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The Luck of Eden Hall is a glass goblet supposedly stolen from the fairies. In a revenge curse the fate of the Hall was bound to that of the goblet:
"If this glass should break or fall
Farewell the luck of Eden Hall"
(It's now in the V&A + the Hall demolished)

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It is Midsummer's Day and the veil between our world and that of the Fae is thin. Wear flowers in your hair to honour the faeries and gather rosemary, lavender, sage and marigolds to hang above your door for protection and good fortune (🎨Margaret Tarrant)

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"A warning to all… empty Pace-egg shells must be crushed for they are popular with Lancashire witches who use them as boats" 🥚🧙🏼‍♀️

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BEEKEEPERS have long believed that care should be taken not to upset or to offend a colony. It is said that bees will not remain with a ill-tempered keeper ... so it is considered extremely bad luck to argue or curse within earshot of hives 🐝

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