

🖌️ Artist, writer, and worm 🐛 (16+) Work may contain dark themes. I make @BLOODHAVEN // Talk acct: @helmyths 💬

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:451
# ldov

OH! Also this is a redraw of this pic from last year! Perhaps I improved?

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Guttz comes in many different flavors cause it's able to inhabit dead organisms and basically wear their skin.

....So! with that completely random tidbit of info out the way, check out my new totally normal canine sona guys haha

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Quick thing!

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Felt like drawing some quick Hemoglossals ;O:

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I don't normally do memes, but this is simple enough fghjkl

Start ----> Finish

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Will you be mine?

(Happy Valentine's Day!)

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Zachary Wilson is the mayor of a quaint little town called Bloodhaven. Although his job would seem to suggest otherwise, he isn't that great of a leader and doesn't do particularly well in the limelight. Being responsible for an entire town is...uh, no easy task for him!

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I'm in a rare OC talkin mood today so I'm stealing this idea from one of my mutuals 😳

Which one of my OCs would you like to see a quick thread on?

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