

Maia (over 18) | SFW~, Fan of Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Cute appealing junk. Oh and I like to draw too check out my Card

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:52

So :// had this post about how defensive it is on how Bulbasaur is dissed so I thought it would be sweet for the Child to meet the Grass starter, their gonna be buds for sure

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When Sibbie meets , She think's its adorable so prepare for Hugs!

Seishin is just happy to see another one eyed being~

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So alterations from my previous drawing of the persona, now with adjusted jacket &
flower logo, not bad of an edit considering I did it from the moment I saw the changes =w=, but worth it~

thx 4 L & R

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So is such an amazing artist and animator, She has given her avatar/persona a redesign so I had to give it a go~

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This is drawn back in April but wanna show my Raichu love here~

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So did a break napkin doodle and finished it properly

Sibbie is giving the Hello to you folks out their~

Digital > Original

[Edited for a minor thing I noticed]

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Now I have joined, might as well add Sibbie's reaction to joining too~

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I have caved a got Twitter, will mostly like & reblog stuff I like

Might add the odd drawing once and awhile

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