

Pfp by @aiyaami 💜 Kinda on hiatus | I draw sometimes! OC focused and multifandom, currently into: Genshin Impact, OMORI | Do not repost/trace/edit my works!

フォロー数:770 フォロワー数:635

Our Winter collab is finally here! ❄️
Check out everyone who participated below ☃️💙

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Look at him :D 💜💜💜

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hello have some Basil🥀

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I missed Sai so much i know this is a messy doodle but like u guys...... it has the nicest blending right in the brush

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SORRY FOR CHOOSING A SHITPOST AS THE 1ST IMG i love them they are my little meow meow. they look like they dont care but if you're mean to them they're going to cry over it for the next week GHDFJGHJDF

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