

Nintendo Enthusiast | Lazy Speedrunner | Grumpy guy with a big heart | Addicted to Monster Hunter, Castlevania and Megaman | Shanoa is my Waifu | OP & SPN 💜

フォロー数:555 フォロワー数:278

Yeah so many fun monsters i could hunt and practice, and what do i hunt... Alatreon.😂

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Once again a sleepless night thanks to my stupid brain, so i thought why not draw something with Paint 3D again. I think its quite ok... and now, hopefully good night. 😒👌

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Imagine youre so bored because you dont feel like doing anything, and then you do something like this 😂👇

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This is my Paint3D 5 minute AkantoreX fanart that i painted with the mouse. I know i know its great....kind of stunning, maybe not enough muscles huh? 😂😉

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Grinding Glavenus for sub 4 (first goal) while listening to this song for 6 and a half hours is really relaxing. I dont even know if this is an anime or a game, i just love this great song!

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