

Artist & Forensic Occupational Therapist all views are my own - married to a husband 🏳️‍🌈

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Can’t believe it’s 44 years since Marc passed away - still my idol x

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Pre selfies - but Bus Station photo booth - arrived 40 years ago today in Preston to attend Fine Art Degree ...thankful to eyebrow tweezers; henna, bleach, eyeliner & good music ...oh & acne

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Probably can’t see what I’ve worked on - but ears need doing and further work on my body

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Today I have - helped someone finish the horse picture...continued with a Jesus portrait & started on Victorian Haircuts for the Hairdresser’s - in-between supervision, helping with Animal Safari & doing ward round notes - life of an OT

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1st oil painting I did at 16 of “Othello” other more personal stuff

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not going this year (too old) but enjoy & continue to fly the banner of equality ....moth represents transformation & hope

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Now that’s better

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ABI service user never done art before...range of executive difficulties- managed to focus; follow instructions; concentrate for over an hour; improved attentional skills & proud of what he is doing (not finished)...power of OT in enabling

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Next to get printed

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