

Artist & Forensic Occupational Therapist all views are my own - married to a husband 🏳️‍🌈

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# otweek

Stippled body to give effect of glitter - will complete tomorrow

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No paint at dad in law’s so gotta make do with pencil & a rubber - hands, hair & ear to do on Bowie

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Worked on this today

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Close up of work I’m doing - amazes me how abstract & simple shapes & marks are - but from a distance they all play a part coming together - art is good

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Done a quick start of portrait of sister - I need to get an easel as doing these flat on my lap doesn’t give me correct proportions -so needs rectifying

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Carried on with Moth Art Project OT on ABI ward - - no different to previous weeks - value occupations, roles, activities & doing

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we’re doing moths as a project in art at Guild Lodge hospital

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