

🇲🇾25↑ / 日本語を勉強してます! /

フォロー数:2995 フォロワー数:318

first otome crush: Ayato
otome boy that made you cry the most: shiraishi
otome boy that you want to marry irl: aiji
otome boy that you're most loyal to: *this question makes me realize I'm a slut rip*
your current otome crush: Leona (technically not otome but I love him)

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"I don't care if you don't want me, I WANT YOU"
Omg cardia gurllll YOU GOOO

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Have been seeing the word キッシュa lot lately so finally decided to look it up lmao my family call this cheese pie tho? Wonder if they are the same thing

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Lmaooo this dude😂😂 also wanna note on how cardia just unintentionally flashes lupin lol😂😂

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Has the light at the end of the tunnel appeared AT LAST?! please keep it up hanzo😭🙌 the previous 3 guys already let me down so much orz

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Oh god we finally have some guys that actually look good in their ridiculous costumes😭🙌 💕💖

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I know sanada is technically the last route while the remaining four guys are like add-ons for the vita port but MAN can the other four guys really top daisuke AND sanada? I thought daisuke already set the bar high but sanada be like HOLD MY BEER

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