

♂️☪️ 70% of my body is made of anime

📝TechArt @BigBangStudio69
📝Solo dev @ Project Isekai
❤️Makoto + Chihaya | Idolm@ster + Final Fantasy

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:345

You know, everytime I stumbled across 3D CGI creations, the first thing I think is, "Can we do that in Unreal Engine?" and then proceed to nerd out in my mind about how to theoretically replicate it in real-time rendering.

It's just my habit these days... 😖

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When people say "I love You Watanabe", I thought they are referring to a character simply named Watanabe.
Watanabe is a surname, and I never seen surname referred as is, without any suffix (くん, ちゃん, or さん)
Turns out "You" is the first name, not as in second person pronoun.

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The smaller ones deserves some love too, y'know.

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Reply and I'll give you an anime (or franchise) and you'll post your 4 favourite characters.

They gave me Final Fantasy. https://t.co/NwLLJ6zkDi

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This whole Steam elitism going on in the PC gaming space is so infuriatingly funny, I'm tempted to make my games Epic exclusive permanently.

But then I remembered that I'm a kind-hearted person...

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The mouth shapes of Idolmaster

Old-gen and last-gen is triangular
Anime and current-gen is more rounded

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