

18+ account. Icon by @Ryunwoofie, header by mentalstar@FA. Please @ me for follow requests, I don't check them otherwise.

フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:57


male is mine, female is a non-twitter friend, art is by MagicalZombie

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look i'm not saying you two are wrong per se but consider the following:

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Meanwhile, some classic Snowfield and getting "inspiration" from 's Sleight, by .

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Convincing each one of them to drop a couple hundred bucks to see ALL THEIR FRIENDS is a much easier pill to swallow.

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Pregnant art is basically my single favorite kind of cheesecake. Art by

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Relevant to conversations on other twitters. Art by . :V

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If I'm not dating you, use the zebra instead. :V Art by

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So let's start with the most relevant: the full versions of the icon and header images. First picture is by

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